Spiritual Sunday School – Youth Education

Angel Aides
Every Sunday, 10:00 am
We are welcoming youth of all age groups to join us for an hour of uplifting spiritual connection through prayer, story, meditation, songs, game, and craft:
Any questions/concerns, please contact Mary Nowroozi, Youth Director: marynowroozi@comcast.net
or Dawn Staszak, Teen Youth Director: dawn_311@yahoo.com
Vision Statement
As a spiritual youth program, we provide a safe, sacred place of love and acceptance where our children and teens are honored for who they are on their spiritual path. Our purpose is to create lessons and experiences based on Unity Principles and Teachings that empower the Christ potential in each individual to grow and prosper. Our classes are blessed with dedicated, loving volunteers who bring their own creativity and spiritual guidance to share with all.
Unity’s Five Basic Principles
- God is all good and active in everything and everywhere.
- I am naturally good because God’s Divinity is in me and in everyone.
- I create my experiences by what I choose to think, feel and believe.
- Through affirmative prayer and meditation, I connect with God and bring out the good in my life.
- I do and give my best by living the Truth I know. I make a difference.
School Year Classes
Nursery: Infant to Age 3
Children’s Church: Age 3 to 2nd Grade
Juniors: 3rd to 5th Grade
Uniteens: 6th to 8th Grade
Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.): 9th to 12th Grade
Class time: During the 10:00 a.m. service. The youth will sit with their parents at the beginning of the service and will proceed downstairs to their classes after being blessed by the congregation.
All parents/guardians of youth through Uniteens are required to sign in their children before entering the sanctuary. Once the service has ended, parents/guardians are required to pick up their children and sign them out.
Spiritual Sunday School Curriculum
- Welcoming during Sacred Circle
- Opportunity to Share Gifts/Talents
- Prayer and Meditation
- Singing
- Biblical or Contemporary Story
- Love Offering
- Art Project or Activity
Children’s Church and Juniors
The Children’s Church and Juniors Ministry is for children age 3 through 5th grade (approximately age 10). The lessons for these two classes are based on the Living Curriculum philosophy that was developed by the Association of Unity Churches International. It is not one specific piece of material, but is
“a process and a program of spiritual support to assist children, teens, families and the church community in successful living. A Living Curriculum is designed to ‘draw forth’ the Truth mainly through experiences, storytelling and creative expression. Each lesson relates to an issue in a person’s life and seeks to facilitate an experience of God connected to their life.”
The lessons focus on reinforcing the idea that God is within us, around us, and everywhere present and that we are loved unconditionally. These teachings are a beginning to establish a basic understanding of the Bible and how the stories reflect Unity Principles. The children also explore the Twelve Powers, envisioned by Charles Fillmore, Unity’s co-founder, that are lovingly inherent in each and every one of us. Other sacred writings and contemporary stories are used. Furthermore, the children are encouraged to connect with their inner wisdom and guidance to live the Truth they know.
Teen Youth Ministry
Our mission is to open our preteen and teenagers to exploring their spirituality through fellowship, service and leadership. We strive to help pre-teens and teenagers develop healthy self image and life skills while engaging in active curriculum and other written materials.
We wish that each Uniteen or YOUer will be open to letting their light shine.
Uniteens are students in 6 through 8 grade/ages 11 -14 years old.
The group meets during the 10:00 Sunday service to explore spiritual truths in a safe and age appropriate environment. They will explore spiritual principles through books, the bible and other Unity information. This group also encourages social outings that provide a place for our preteens to socialize and develop healthy relationships.
Opportunities to attend regional retreats (Unitreats) are offered twice a year.
Y.O.U. (Youth of Unity)
Our Y.O.U. is made up of 9-12thgraders/ages 14 to 18 years old.
The group meets during the 10:00 Sunday service.
The focus of a Y.O.U. chapter is on assisting the teens in developing leadership skills and to encourage them to have an active role in the classroom experience. It is a classroom that is student led, adult guided.
This age group uses their understanding of the Bible and Truth principles to discuss and look deeper into the issues and concerns that they encounter each day. This is a very active ministry. They support one another and enjoy many opportunities to explore their spirituality through social outings and other events.
Opportunities to attend sub-regional events, regional retreats & rallies and International gatherings are offered throughout the year.
Youth Education Teachers and Angel Aides
Volunteers give spiritual guidance as a teacher or as an Angel Aide to our youth of all ages from nursery through high school. This commitment does not require volunteering every Sunday. Curriculum and materials are supplied through the Youth Ed Director. All of our teachings are based on the Unity Principles and the teachings of Jesus through Unity’s Living Curriculum series.
For more information/questions, please contact us by completing the form below or contact directly Mary Nowroozi at marynowroozi@comcast.net: