Board of Trustees
Mickey Koziol – President
Mickey Koziol (Reta Michaele Rousseau) remained spiritually with Unity, and recently came back in person after a number of years caring for her parents. The first experience with Unity came when moving to the area while trying local spiritual places for a better fit. Unity provided an upbeat message and atmosphere, and so much that was missing, felt uncomfortable or incomplete elsewhere. Unity provided a spiritual home and promised to accept everyone wherever they were in their spiritual journey. During the first years the music welcomed as did the community, amazing and genuine as they are, and there was encouragement: “I am alive, awake, alert, joyous, and enthusiastic about my life.”
Mickey grew up in Vermont and loves family, friends, quiet peace, country, woods, mountains, and animals. Being a mom has been the most special of endeavors. Volunteer work has included park district, daughter’s Home and School, school district, Girl Scouts, as leader and regional cookie manager, dog rescues, the library (movies and coordinating volunteers for book sale) and on a more personal level, read books weekly to a blind friend. At Unity I now volunteer as a greeter, help with landscaping, the library, and what comes up…ice cream social, book sale, cleaning, and I really enjoy game night!
Work part of life has included financial, marketing manager, supervisor, sales, scheduling, factory work while attending University of Rhode Island, detasseling corn, restaurant work, and began decades ago as a youth gathering worms for sale! Mickey is the author of a book and screenplays.
Unsure of what other people would want to know about someone, a friend for over sixty years wrote this…”Mickey A mindful seeker of well-being for people and animals. A country soul, someone who appreciates the wisdom and guidance of those who have lived and learned from life lived honestly. Books, art, music, flowers, and animals inspire joy.”
Joey Nelson – Vice President
Joey Nelson started attending Unity of Fox Valley Church in 2008. Soon after, he joined the Greeter Ministry and in June of that year became a member. In 2009, he took more classes and joined the Men’s Group. In 2010, he became the Landscape Chair and completed the 4 T’S class taught by Rev Jan.
Joey presented an overview of ACIM at a 2011 Men’s Group meeting and have been part of the ACIM group ever since. He has been off and on as the lead usher and has helped at one of the Men’s Retreats.
In 2016, he ran and was elected to his first 3-year term on the Bboard of Trustees, was Vice President and later served as President. Joey is not back on the Board and will be doing the best he can to support Unity of Fox Valley church.
Judy DeVoe – Treasurer
Donna Beichel – Secretary
Nate Birr – Trustee
Dave Rolison – Trustee
Dave Rolison is a retired educator with forty-three years of experience at all levels as both a teacher and administrator. He lives in Batavia with his wife, Sue. They have two grown sons and six grandchildren. Dave enjoys reading, traveling, riding his bike, spending time with is family and friends, the Cubs, and of course, doing projects around the house! Dave is in his first term as a Board Trustee. Both he and Sue help in the Landscaping, Greeter, and Sacred Grounds ministries.
Dave believes that Unity is truly “a practical approach to Christianity.” Unity of Fox Valley is a joyful, welcoming place that encourages every congregant to seek his own personal relationship with God, and to better understand himself/herself. There is a wide variety of services and ministries available to help anyone along his/her spiritual journey. Whether it is the minister’s message at the weekly service, the music, the accessibility of the Prayer Chaplains, the Sacred Grounds Cafe, the Men’s Group, the Youth Program, or any of the other ministries, anyone can find something that will help him/her to become more faith-filled and happier in life.