Volunteer Ministries


Volunteer Thanks You


It is our responsibility to support our church and community. For this, we currently have different Sacred Service ministries through which volunteers tithe their time and talents to help care for our building and grounds, our congregation, with commitment & education to living green. The health and welfare of our community is important to us with particular attention to assisting the needy.  We work with Hesed House, local food pantries, and provide Christmas gifts for children in foster care. There is a ministry for everyone based on his or her own interests, talents, and availability. Please contact any of the members for more information or if you’d like to be part of this worthy cause. In addition we hold an annual volunteer recruitment event to further encourage members participation. Please look for monthly newsletter for announcements.


For more info. or to RSVP, please contact Bobbi Severson: bsever4785@gmail.com